New release: “Good Morning”
Hello everyone! I'm delighted that you've found me. Allow me to introduce myself—I'm Corky Wink, and I'm thrilled to announce the release of my latest single, 'Good Morning.' This song is what I try in a general sense to start each and every day, living a whole-hearted life!
It begins with the idea that no matter what life throws at me, know that I am enough!
Being mindful that everyone I encounter, I have no idea what they have gone through, so don't judge them, they are trying their best.
To be always on the lookout for the beauty in the moment because it can so quickly disappear and be missed. Life gives many wonders to be thankful for and when I'm down, I seek inspiration, have compassion for myself and accept myself for who I am.
Thank you for joining me on this musical journey, and I hope you enjoy the heartfelt song, 'Good Morning.'
If you want to learn more about the habits of living a whole-hearted life, I encourage you to read Brenè Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection, which inspired this song.

Last year I released my first album called, Until I Make It Home. The album is about life, love and hope. It is my sincere wish that you will give it a spin and enjoy it as much as I have putting it together.

Everyday we take chances and we make choices. Events can sometimes shape our lives, where it appears we have no choice; however we always do, in our response. Fear often plays a role in the how we chose either take a chance and believe in ourselves or retreat. The songs Choices and Chance explore these aspects.

Love can bring great passion and excitement. It can also break your heart. It's many entanglements are what my songs Simple Dream, You're Mine & I'm Yours, Strange, Please Leave Me Alone, Breaking the Pride, Give it Time, and Forever In My Heart express.

Our relationships define us. The friends we choose, the family we are given, and experiences we endure are always with us. Our past, present and future are molded by the relationships we make. It is the song, Carry Them With You that reflects on the bonds that never leave us.

Life is never static, it always changes. There is no permanence to any situation. Positive change is always driven by hope. It is my hope to Don't Stop Dreaming for the possibilities that life can be.